(A) The hearing of an appeal taken under section 2506.05 of the Revised Code shall proceed as in the trial of a civil action, but the court shall be confined to the transcript as filed under section 2506.06 of the Revised Code unless it appears on the face of that transcript or by affidavit filed by the appellant that one or more of the following applies:
(1) The transcript does not contain a report of all evidence admitted or proffered by the appellant.
(2) The appellant was not permitted to appear and be heard in person, or by the appellant’s attorney, in opposition to the final order, adjudication, or decision appealed from and to do any of the following:
(a) Present the appellant’s position, arguments, and contentions;
(b) Offer and examine witnesses and present evidence in support;
(c) Cross-examine witnesses purporting to refute the appellant’s position, arguments, and contentions;
(d) Offer evidence to refute evidence and testimony offered in opposition to the appellant’s position, arguments, and contentions;
(e) Proffer any evidence offered pursuant to division (A)(2)(d) of this section into the record if the admission of it is denied by the officer or body appealed from.
(3) The testimony adduced was not given under oath.
(4) The appellant was unable to present evidence because of a lack of the power of subpoena by the officer or body appealed from or because of the refusal after request of that officer or body to afford the appellant opportunity to use the power of subpoena when possessed by the officer or body.
(5) The officer or body failed to file with the transcript conclusions of fact supporting the final order, adjudication, or decision appealed from.
(B) If any circumstance described in divisions (A)(1) to (5) of this section applies, the court shall hear the appeal upon the transcript and additional evidence as may be introduced by any party. At the hearing, any party may call, as if on cross-examination, any witness who previously gave testimony in opposition to that party.
Effective Date: 08-17-2006