When the record, or any part thereof, of the proceedings, judgment, or decree in an action or other proceeding of a court in this state, in which a final judgment has been rendered, is lost or destroyed by fire, riot, or civil commotion, upon the application of a party interested therein, such court may grant an order authorizing such record or part thereof to be supplied or replaced:
(A) By a certified copy of such original record, or part thereof, when it can be obtained;
(B) By a certified copy of the record in the supreme court of such original record of any action or proceeding removed to that court which remains recorded therein;
(C) By the original pleadings, entries, papers, and files in such action or proceeding, when they can be obtained;
(D) By an agreement in writing signed by all the parties to such action or proceeding, or by their representatives or attorneys, that a substituted copy of such original record is substantially correct.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953