(A) A panel of court of claims commissioners shall render its decisions as to claims for an award of reparations in writing and shall include separate findings of fact and any conclusions of law that are necessary. Orders as to claims for an award of reparations shall be entered on the journal, and the clerk shall certify on the order the date of journalization and shall send copies of the order and decision to the claimant, the attorney general, and the prosecuting attorney of the county in which the criminally injurious conduct occurred.
(B) A judge of the court of claims shall render the judge’s decisions as to appeals from decisions of a panel of court of claims commissioners in writing and shall include a separate finding for each issue contested upon appeal. Orders as to appeals shall be entered on the journal, and the clerk shall certify on the order the date of journalization and shall send copies of the order and decision to the claimant, the attorney general, and the prosecuting attorney of the county in which the criminally injurious conduct occurred.
Effective Date: 07-01-2000