A judge of a county court is a conservator of the peace and has jurisdiction in criminal cases throughout his area of jurisdiction. He may hear complaints of [breach of] the peace and issue search warrants. Judges of county courts have jurisdiction on sworn complaint, to issue a warrant for the arrest of a person charged with the commission of a felony where it is made to appear that such person has fled or is outside this state and it is necessary or desirable to extradite such person. Judges of county courts have jurisdiction within their respective areas of jurisdiction in all cases of violation of any law relating to:
(A) Adulteration or deception in the sale of dairy products and other food, drink, drugs, and medicines;
(B) Prevention of cruelty to animals and children;
(C) The abandonment, nonsupport, or ill treatment of a child under eighteen years of age or a physically and mentally handicapped child under the age of eighteen years by its parents;
(D) The abandonment, or ill treatment of a child under eighteen years of age or a physically and mentally handicapped child under the age of eighteen years by its guardian;
(E) The employment of a child under fourteen years of age in public exhibitions or vocations injurious to health, life, or morals, or which will cause or permit him to suffer unnecessary physical or mental pain;
(F) The regulation, restriction, or prohibition of the employment of females and minors;
(G) The torturing, unlawfully punishing, ill treating, or depriving anyone of necessary food, clothing, or shelter;
(H) Any violation of Chapters 4301. and 4303. of the Revised Code, or keeping a place where intoxicating liquor is sold, given away, or furnished in violation of any law prohibiting such acts;
(I) The shipping, selling, using, permitting the use of, branding, or having unlawful quantities of illuminating oil for or in a mine;
(J) The sale, shipment, or adulteration of commercial feeds;
(K) The use of dust-creating machinery in workshops and factories;
(L) The conducting of a pharmacy, or retail drug or chemical store, or the dispensing or selling of drugs, chemicals, poisons, or pharmaceutical preparations therein;
(M) The failure to place and keep in a sanitary condition a bakery, confectionery, creamery, dairy barn, milk depot, laboratory, hotel, restaurant, eating house, packing house, slaughterhouse, ice cream factory, or place where a food product is manufactured, packed, stored, deposited, collected, prepared, produced, or sold for any purpose, or for the violation of any law relating to public health;
(N) Inspection of steam boilers, and of laws licensing steam engineers and boiler operators;
(O) Prevention of short weighing and measuring and all violations of the weights and measures laws;
(P) Laws relating to the practice of medicine or surgery, or any of its branches;
(Q) Laws relating to the filling or refilling of registered containers by other than the owner, or the defacing of the marks of ownership thereon;
(R) Offenses arising from or growing out of the violation of conservation laws.
Effective Date: 01-01-1974