A grand jury is drawn and notified by the same persons, from the same jury wheel, automation data processing storage drawer, or automated data processing information storage device, and in the same manner as other jurors are drawn and notified under sections 2939.02 to 2939.04 and 2313.01 to 2313.46 of the Revised Code. Grand jurors so drawn and notified are not entitled to an exemption for any reason but may be excused from service or have their service postponed for the same reasons and in the same manner as other jurors under those sections and not otherwise. Grand jurors are subject to the same fines and penalties for nonattendance and otherwise as are other jurors under those sections. The duties and the powers of courts of common pleas, clerks of courts of common pleas, and commissioners of jurors in regard to grand jurors in all respects are the same as in regard to other jurors.
Effective Date: 04-16-1998