If, on or after the effective date of this section, the United States attorney general or an office established under the authority of the United States attorney general adopts any regulation, guideline, or standard that interprets or applies the federal Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act, Pub. L. No. 109-249 , to require additional sex offender registration and notification than otherwise required by Chapter 2950. of the Revised Code, as amended by this act, or notifies the attorney general of this state that the amendments made by this act are not in substantial compliance with the federal Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act or regulations, guidelines or standards interpreting or applying the federal Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act, the attorney general of this state within one hundred eighty days after notification or the adoption of any regulation, guideline or standard that interprets or applies the federal Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act, shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to require additional sex offender registration or notification so that Ohio’s sex offender registration and notification requirements are consistent with, and not less stringent than, the federal Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act and any regulation, guideline or standard that interprets or applies the federal Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act.
Effective Date: 2007 SB10 07-01-2007