Any board of county commissioners, in carrying out its operations and activities under sections 303.26 to 303.56, inclusive, of the Revised Code, with respect to any county renewal project or projects, may set up, establish, and maintain, for and on behalf of the county or any affected office, department, board, or commission thereof, such books, records, budgets, and accounts, and such general, separate, special, or specific funds, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, such revolving funds, general expense funds, planning funds, county renewal project funds, bond and interest retirement funds, and other funds, pertaining to said operations and activities, as the board determines to be necessary or appropriate for the purposes of these sections, and deposit or cause to be deposited in or to the credit of or transferred to any such fund any or all of such advances, donations, grants, gifts, contributions, appropriations, rentals, bond proceeds, proceeds from the sale, leasing, or other disposition of any of its county renewal project property, or other income, revenues, receipts, or profits derived by it from its undertaking of any county renewal project, as become available to the county in connection with its planning or project activities under the provisions of sections 303.26 to 303.56, inclusive, of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 10-21-1959