At the beginning of each day’s business, the county recorder shall make and keep up general alphabetical indexes, direct and reverse, of all the names of both parties to all instruments previously received for record by him. The volume and page where each such instrument is recorded may be omitted until it is actually recorded if the file number is entered in place of the volume or page. The indexes shall show the kind of instrument, the range, township, and section or the survey number and number of acres, or the permanent parcel number provided for under section 319.28 of the Revised Code, or the lot and sublot number and the part thereof, all as the case requires, of each tract, parcel, or lot of land described in any such instrument. The name of each grantor shall be entered in the direct index under the appropriate letter, followed on the same line by the name of the grantee, or, if there is more than one grantee, by the name of the first grantee followed by “and others” or its equivalent. The name of each grantee shall be entered in the reverse index under the appropriate letter, followed on the same line by the name of the grantor, or, if there is more than one grantor, by the name of the first grantor followed by “and others” or its equivalent.
As to notices of claims filed in accordance with sections 5301.51, 5301.52, and 5301.56 of the Revised Code, there shall be entered in the reverse index under the appropriate letter the name of each claimant, followed on the same line by the name of the present owner of title against whom the claim is asserted, if the notice contains the name of the present owner; or, if the notice contains the names of more than one such owner, there shall be entered the name of the first owner followed by “and others” or its equivalent.
In all cases of deeds, mortgages, or other instruments made by any sheriff, master commissioner, marshal, auditor, executor, administrator, trustee, or other officer, for the sale, conveyance, or encumbrance of any lands, tenements, or hereditaments, and recorded in the recorder’s office, the recorder shall index the parties to such instrument under their appropriate letters, respectively, as follows:
(A) The names of the persons represented by such officer as owners of the lands, tenements, or hereditaments described in any such instruments;
(B) The official designation of the officer by whom such instrument was made;
(C) The individual names of the officers by whom such instrument was made.
In all cases of instruments filed in accordance with Chapter 5311. of the Revised Code, the name of each owner shall be entered in the direct index, under the appropriate letter, followed on the same line by the name of the condominium property, and the name of the condominium property shall be entered in the reverse index under the appropriate letter followed on the same line by the name of the owner of the property, or, if the instrument contains the names of more than one owner, there shall be entered the name of the first owner followed by “and others” or its equivalent.
Any general alphabetical index shall be commenced in conformity to this section, and whenever, in the opinion of the board of county commissioners, it becomes necessary to transcribe, on account of its worn out or incomplete condition, any volume of an index in use, such volume shall be revised and transcribed to conform with this section; except that in counties having a sectional index in conformity with section 317.20 of the Revised Code, such transcript shall be only a copy of the original.
Effective Date: 03-22-1989