The county recorder shall maintain a book to be known as the “Notice Index.” Separate pages of the book shall be headed by the original survey sections or surveys, or parts of a section or survey, squares, subdivisions, or the permanent parcel numbers provided for under section 319.28 of the Revised Code, or lots. In this book, there shall be entered the notices for preservation of claims presented for recording in conformity with sections 5301.51, 5301.52, and 5301.56 of the Revised Code. In designated columns, there shall be entered on the left-hand page:
(A) The name of each claimant;
(B) Next to the right, the name of each owner of title;
(C) The deed book number and page where the instrument containing the claim has been recorded;
(D) The type of claim asserted.
On the opposite page on the corresponding line, a pertinent description of the property affected as appears in such notice shall be entered.
Effective Date: 03-22-1989