The county facilities review board shall serve without compensation, but actual expenses incurred in the discharge of its duties, including the costs of printing its annual report required by division (A) of section 331.06 of the Revised Code, and actual necessary expense incurred by any member, to be selected by such board, in visiting any other charitable or correctional institution for the purpose of information, and in attendance upon any convention or meeting held within this state in the interest of and to deliberate upon charitable or correctional methods and work, to an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars in any year, shall be allowed by the board of county commissioners. The county auditor shall issue a warrant for such expense which shall be paid by the county treasurer, provided the judge of the probate court has issued a certificate that the members of the county facilities review board have satisfactorily performed their duties, as provided in sections 331.04 to 331.06 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 09-04-1985