Before the board of county commissioners, board of county hospital trustees, or county hospital commission may enter into an initial agreement for the acquisition, operation, or lease under section 140.03, 140.05, 339.09, or 339.14 of the Revised Code of a county hospital operated by a board of county hospital trustees under section 339.06 of the Revised Code, the board of county commissioners shall review the agreement. If it finds that the agreement will meet the needs of the residents of the county for hospital service, the board of county commissioners may adopt a resolution authorizing the board of county commissioners, board of county hospital trustees, or county hospital commission to enter into the agreement On adoption of the resolution, the board of county commissioners, board of county hospital trustees, or county hospital commission may enter into the agreement.
The requirements of this section do not apply to an agreement if one or more hospitals classified as general hospitals by the public health council under section 3701.07 of the Revised Code are operating in the same county as the county hospital.
Effective Date: 07-01-1991; 03-30-2007