In addition to such other duties as may be lawfully imposed, the executive director of a board of alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services shall:
(A) Serve as executive officer of the board and subject to the prior approval of the board for each contract, execute contracts on its behalf;
(B) Supervise services and facilities provided, operated, contracted, or supported by the board to the extent of determining that programs are being administered in conformity with this chapter and rules of the director of mental health and the department of alcohol and drug addiction services;
(C) Provide consultation to agencies, associations, or individuals providing services supported by the board;
(D) Recommend to the board the changes necessary to increase the effectiveness of mental health services and alcohol and drug addiction services and other matters necessary or desirable to carry out this chapter;
(E) Employ and remove from office such employees and consultants in the classified civil service and, subject to the approval of the board, employ and remove from office such other employees and consultants as may be necessary for the work of the board, and fix their compensation and reimbursement within the limits set by the salary schedule and the budget approved by the board;
(F) Encourage the development and expansion of preventive, treatment, rehabilitative, and consultative programs in the field of mental health with emphasis on continuity of care;
(G) Prepare for board approval an annual report of the programs under the jurisdiction of the board, including a fiscal accounting of all services;
(H) Conduct such studies as may be necessary and practicable for the promotion of mental health and the prevention of mental illness, emotional disorders, and addiction to alcohol and drugs;
(I) Authorize the county auditor, or in a joint-county district the county auditor designated as the auditor for the district, to issue warrants for the payment of board obligations approved by the board, provided that all payments are in accordance with the comprehensive community mental health plan, as approved by the department of mental health, or with the alcohol and drug addiction services plan as approved by the department of alcohol and drug addiction services.
Effective Date: 10-10-1989