Each board of alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services shall contract with a community mental health agency under division (A)(8)(a) of section 340.03 of the Revised Code for the agency to do all of the following in accordance with rules adopted under section 5119.61 of the Revised Code for an individual referred to the agency under division (C)(2) of section 173.35 of the Revised Code:
(A) Assess the individual to determine whether to recommend that a PASSPORT administrative agency determine that the environment in which the individual will be living while receiving residential state supplement payments is appropriate for the individual’s needs and, if it determines the environment is appropriate, issue the recommendation to the PASSPORT administrative agency;
(B) Provide ongoing monitoring to ensure that services provided under section 340.09 of the Revised Code are available to the individual;
(C) Provide discharge planning to ensure the individual’s earliest possible transition to a less restrictive environment.
Effective Date: 2001 HB283 09-05-2001