(A) A public children services agency that identifies a child by a risk assessment conducted pursuant to section 5153.16 of the Revised Code as being at imminent risk of being abused or neglected because of an addiction of a parent, guardian, or custodian of the child to a drug of abuse or alcohol shall refer the child’s addicted parent, guardian, or custodian and, if the agency determines that the child needs alcohol or other drug addiction services, the child to an alcohol and drug addiction program certified by the department of alcohol and drug addiction services under section 3793.06 of the Revised Code. A public children services agency that is sent a court order issued pursuant to division (B) of section 2151.3514 of the Revised Code shall refer the addicted parent or other caregiver of the child identified in the court order to an alcohol and drug addiction program certified by the department of alcohol and drug addiction services under section 3793.06 of the Revised Code. On receipt of a referral under this division and to the extent funding identified under division (A) of section 340.033 of the Revised Code is available, the program shall provide the following services to the addicted parent, guardian, custodian, or caregiver and child in need of alcohol or other drug services:
(1) If it is determined pursuant to an initial screening to be needed, assessment and appropriate treatment;
(2) Documentation of progress in accordance with a treatment plan developed for the addicted parent, guardian, custodian, caregiver, or child;
(3) If the referral is based on a court order issued pursuant to division (B) of section 2151.3514 of the Revised Code and the order requires the specified parent or other caregiver of the child to submit to alcohol or other drug testing during, after, or both during and after, treatment, testing in accordance with the court order.
(B) The services described in division (A) of this section shall have a priority as provided in the alcohol and drug addiction services plan established pursuant to section 340.033 of the Revised Code. Once a referral has been received pursuant to this section, the public children services agency and the alcohol or drug addiction program shall, in accordance with 42 C.F.R. Part 2, share with each other any information concerning the persons and services described in that division that the agency and program determine are necessary to share. If the referral is based on a court order issued pursuant to division (B) of section 2151.3514 of the Revised Code, the results and recommendations of the alcohol and drug addiction program also shall be provided and used as described in division (D) of that section. Information obtained or maintained by the agency or program pursuant to this section that could enable the identification of any person described in division (A) of this section is not a public record subject to inspection or copying under section 149.43 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 03-18-1999