After the hearing under section 3111.80 of the Revised Code is completed, the administrative officer may issue an administrative order for the payment of support and provision for the child’s health care. The order shall do all of the following:
(A) Require periodic payments of support that may vary in amount, except that, if it is in the best interest of the child, the administrative officer may order the purchase of an annuity in lieu of periodic payments of support if the purchase agreement provides that any remaining principal will be transferred to the ownership and control of the child on the child’s attainment of the age of majority;
(B) Require the parents to provide for the health care needs of the child in accordance with sections 3119.29 to 3119.56 of the Revised Code;
(C) Include a notice that contains the information described in section 3111.84 of the Revised Code informing the mother and the father of the right to object to the order by bringing an action for the payment of support and provision of the child’s health care under section 2151.231 of the Revised Code and the effect of a failure to timely bring the action.
Effective Date: 12-13-2002