In carrying out the purposes of sections 3304.11 to 3304.27 of the Revised Code, the rehabilitation services commission:
(A) Shall develop all necessary rules;
(B) Shall prepare and submit to the governor annual reports of activities and expenditures and, prior to each first regular session of the general assembly, an estimate of sums required to carry out the commission’s responsibilities;
(C) Shall certify any disbursement of funds available to the commission for vocational rehabilitation activities;
(D) Shall serve as the sole state agency designated to administer the plan under the “Rehabilitation Act of 1973,” 87 Stat. 355, 29 U.S.C. 701, as amended;
(E) Shall take appropriate action to guarantee rights of and services to handicapped persons;
(F) Shall consult with and advise other state agencies to assist them in meeting the needs of handicapped persons more effectively and to achieve maximum coordination among programs for the handicapped;
(G) Shall establish an administrative division of consumer affairs and advocacy within the commission to promote and help guarantee the rights of handicapped persons;
(H) Shall maintain an inventory of state services that are available to handicapped persons;
(I) Shall utilize, support, assist, and cooperate with the governor’s committee on employment of the handicapped;
(J) May delegate to any officer or employee of the commission any necessary powers and duties;
(K) May take any other necessary or appropriate action for cooperation with public and private agencies and organizations which may include:
(1) Reciprocal agreements with other states to provide for the vocational rehabilitation of individuals within the states concerned;
(2) Contracts or other arrangements with public and other nonprofit agencies and organizations for the construction or establishment and operation of vocational rehabilitation programs and facilities;
(3) Cooperative arrangements with the federal government for carrying out sections 3304.11 to 3304.27 of the Revised Code, the “Vocational Rehabilitation Act,” 41 Stat. 735 (1920), 29 U.S.C. 31, as amended, or other federal statutes pertaining to vocational rehabilitation, and to this end, may adopt plans and methods of administration found necessary by the federal government for the efficient operation of any joint arrangements or the efficient application of any federal statutes;
(4) Upon the designation of the governor, performing functions and services for the federal government relating to individuals under a physical or mental disability.
(L) Shall comply with any requirements necessary to obtain federal funds in the maximum amount and most advantageous proportion possible.
(M) May conduct research and demonstration projects, including inquiries concerning the causes of blindness and its prevention, provide training and instruction, including the establishment and maintenance of research fellowships and traineeships along with all necessary stipends and allowances, disseminate information, and provide technical assistance relating to vocational rehabilitation;
(N) May plan, establish, and operate programs, facilities, and services relating to vocational rehabilitation;
(O) May accept and hold, invest, reinvest, or otherwise use gifts made for the purpose of furthering vocational rehabilitation;
(P) May ameliorate the condition of the aged blind or other severely disabled individuals by establishing a program of home visitation by commission employees for the purpose of instruction;
(Q) May establish and manage small business enterprises that are operated by persons with a substantial handicap to employment, including blind persons;
(R) May purchase from insurance companies licensed to do business in this state any insurance deemed necessary by the commission for the efficient operation of a suitable vending facility as defined in division (A) of section 3304.28 of the Revised Code;
(S) May accept directly from any state agency, and any state agency may transfer directly to the commission, surplus computers and computer equipment to be used for any purposes the commission considers appropriate, notwithstanding sections 125.12 to 125.14 of the Revised Code.
Amended by 128th General Assembly File No. 9, HB 1, § 101.01, eff. 10/16/2009.
Effective Date: 03-18-1999