(A) There is hereby created in the rehabilitation services commission a brain injury program consisting of a program director and at least one support staff person.
(B) To the extent that funds are available, the brain injury program may do the following:
(1) Identify existing services in this state to assist survivors and families of survivors of brain injury;
(2) Promote the coordination of services for survivors and families of survivors of brain injury;
(3) Explore options for delivery of services to survivors and families of survivors of brain injury;
(4) Explore the establishment of a traumatic brain injury incidence reporting system to collect information on the incidence and character of traumatic brain injury in this state;
(5) Promote practices that will reduce the incidence of brain injury;
(6) Develop training programs on dealing with brain injury and the special needs of survivors of brain injury;
(7) Identify sources of available funds for services for survivors and families of survivors of brain injury;
(8) Explore options for the delivery of case management services to residents of this state who are survivors of brain injury;
(9) Provide assistance to assure that services for survivors and families of survivors of brain injury are all of the following:
(a) Designed to enhance the survivor’s ability to lead an independent and productive life;
(b) Available within close proximity of the survivor’s home;
(c) Provided in the least restrictive environment;
(d) Appropriate to the unique needs of the survivor.
(C) The staff of the brain injury program shall prepare a biennial report on the incidence of brain injury in this state that shall be submitted to the administrator of the rehabilitation services commission on or before December 15, 1992, and every two years thereafter. A copy of the report shall be submitted to the brain injury advisory committee created under section 3304.231 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 08-06-1999