(A) A subcommittee of the Ohio school funding advisory council is hereby established to study and make recommendations to foster collaboration between school districts and community schools established under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code. The subcommittee shall recommend fiscal strategies, including changes to the funding model established under this chapter, that will provide incentives and compensation for Ohio school districts and community schools to enter into collaborative agreements that result in creative and innovative academic programming for students and academic and fiscal efficiency. The subcommittee shall report its findings and recommendations to the council and, in accordance with section 101.68 of the Revised Code, the general assembly not later than September 1, 2010, and periodically thereafter at the direction of the superintendent of public instruction.
(B) The subcommittee shall consist of the following members of the council:
(1)The school district superintendent;
(2)The school district treasurer;
(3)One of the school district teachers, selected by the superintendent of public instruction;
(4)The member representing a college of education;
(5)The member representing sponsors of community schools;
(6)The member representing operators of community schools;
(7)The community school fiscal officer;
(8)The parent of a student attending a community school;
(9) The parent of a student attending a school operated by a school district.
The members of the subcommittee shall serve without compensation.
Added by 128th General Assembly File No. 9, HB 1, § 101.01, eff. 7/17/2009.