Each employer shall pay annually to the school employees retirement system an amount certified by the secretary that shall be a certain per cent of the earnable compensation of all employees, and shall be known as the “employer contribution.” The rate per cent of such contribution shall be fixed by the actuary on the basis of the actuary’s evaluation of the liabilities of the school employees retirement system, but shall not exceed fourteen per cent, and shall be approved by the school employees retirement board. The school employees retirement board may raise the rate per cent of the contribution to fourteen per cent of the earnable compensation of all employees. In making such evaluation, the actuary shall use, as the actuarial assumptions, regular interest and such mortality and other tables as are adopted by the school employees retirement board. The actuary shall compute the percentage of such earnable compensation, to be known as the “employer rate,” required annually to fund the liability for all allowances, annuities, pensions and other benefits, and any deficiencies in the various funds, provided for in this chapter, after deducting therefrom the annuity and other benefits provided by the contributor’s accumulated contributions and deposits or other applicable moneys.
Effective Date: 04-09-2001