(A) Within sixty days of the initial convening of the municipal school district nominating panel as required by division (C) of section 3311.71 of the Revised Code, the state superintendent of public instruction shall establish the community oversight committee to review and evaluate the mayoral appointment school governance plan for any municipal school district as required by sections 3311.71 to 3311.76 of the Revised Code. Within one year of its appointment, and each year thereafter, the committee, after consulting with the board of education appointed under section 3311.71 of the Revised Code, shall submit a written report to the speaker and minority leader of the house of representatives, the president and minority leader of the senate, and the chairpersons and ranking minority members of the standing committee of each house of the general assembly having primary jurisdiction over elementary and secondary education legislation. The report shall address the financial, operational, academic, community, and other issues involving the school district as a result of the implementation of the mayoral appointment school governance plan, as well as the general condition of the school district, the goals and accountability standards the board of education has established under division (A) of section 3311.74 of the Revised Code, and how the district measures on each of those accountability standards. Members of the board of education and the community oversight committee shall testify before the education committee of either house of the general assembly concerning the committee’s report if so requested to do so by the chairperson of either education committee.
(B) Members of the community oversight committee shall be appointed by the state superintendent of public instruction, who shall also designate one member of the committee as the chairperson. The members shall be appointed to four-year terms, each term beginning on the first day of January. The chief executive officer of the municipal school district, appointed in accordance with section 3311.72 of the Revised Code, shall serve as a nonvoting member of the committee. No individual shall be appointed to the committee unless the individual resides in and is a parent or guardian of a child attending a public school in the municipal school district. An individual can be appointed to serve multiple terms.
(C) Members of the committee shall serve without compensation and shall be subject to removal by the state superintendent for cause.
(D) The committee shall end at such time as the mayoral appointment governance plan, as required by sections 3311.71 to 3311.76 of the Revised Code, is discontinued within the municipal school district by any means of law or court order.
Effective Date: 11-12-1997