The average vocational education additional cost per pupil can be expressed as a multiple of the base cost per pupil calculated under section 3317.012 of the Revised Code. The multiples for the following categories of vocational education programs are as follows:
(A) A multiple of 0.57 for students enrolled in vocational education job-training and workforce development programs approved by the department of education in accordance with rules adopted under section 3313.90 of the Revised Code.
(B) A multiple of 0.28 for students enrolled in vocational education classes other than job-training and workforce development programs. Vocational education associated services costs can be expressed as a multiple of 0.05 of the base cost per pupil calculated under section 3317.012 of the Revised Code. By the thirtieth day of each December, the department of education shall report to the office of budget and management and the general assembly the amount of weighted funding for vocational education and associated services that was spent by each city, local, exempted village, and joint vocational school district specifically for vocational educational and associated services during the previous fiscal year.
Effective Date: 07-01-2001; 2007 HB119 06-30-2007