(A) The board of education of each city, exempted village, local, and joint vocational school district shall employ the teachers of the public schools of their respective districts. The governing board of each educational service center may employ special instruction teachers, special education teachers, and teachers of academic courses in which there are too few students in each of the constituent local school districts or in city or exempted village school districts entering into agreements pursuant to section 3313.843 of the Revised Code to warrant each district’s employing teachers for those courses. When any board makes appointments of teachers, the teachers in the employ of the board shall be considered before new teachers are chosen in their stead. In all school districts and in service centers no teacher shall be employed unless such person is nominated by the superintendent of such district or center. Such board, by a three-fourths vote of its full membership, may re-employ any teacher whom the superintendent refuses to appoint.
(B) The board of education of any school district may contract with the governing board of the educational service center from which it otherwise receives services to conduct searches and recruitment of candidates for teacher positions.
Effective Date: 09-26-2003