Any nonteaching school employee who, subsequent to September 1, 1962, has left, or leaves, the employ of a board of education for the purpose of entering on extended active duty in the armed services of the United States or the auxiliaries thereof, and within eight weeks enters such service and who has returned, or returns, from such service with an honorable discharge or certificate of service shall be re-employed by the board of education of the district in which he held such school position, under the same type of contract as that which he last held in such district, if such nonteaching school employee applies, within ninety days after such discharge, to such board of education for re-employment. Upon such application, such nonteaching school employee shall be re-employed at the first of the next school semester, if such application is made not less than thirty days prior to the first of such next school semester, in which case such nonteaching school employee shall be re-employed the first of the following school semester, unless the board of education waives the requirement for such thirty day period. For the purposes of seniority and placement on the salary schedule, years of absence on extended active duty in the armed services of the United States or the auxiliaries thereof shall not exceed four, and shall be counted as though school service had been performed during such time. The board of education of the district in which such nonteaching school employee was employed and is re-employed under this section may suspend the contract of the nonteaching school employee whose services become unnecessary by reason of the return of a nonteaching school employee from service in the armed services or auxiliaries thereof.
Effective Date: 03-18-1969