Notwithstanding division (D) of section 3311.19 and division (D) of section 3311.52 of the Revised Code, this section does not apply to any joint vocational or cooperative education school district. The board of education of a city, local, or exempted village school district may maintain school bus turn-around points. At the request of such a board, a municipal corporation may maintain turn-around points on municipal roads; the township trustees may maintain turn-around points on township roads; and the county commissioners may maintain turn-around points on county roads. The municipal corporation, township trustees, or county commissioners may also, at the request of a board of education, maintain turn-around points located on private property after an investigation by such board of education has determined that such maintenance is necessary for the use of such private property as a turn-around point for school buses. Such board of education may provide the cost of the materials utilized for any such maintenance.
Effective Date: 04-16-1993