The board of education of any school district that owns and operates buses for transporting pupils may contract under a lease agreement with a municipal corporation or a public or nonprofit private agency or organization delivering services to the aged, to make available one or more of the district’s buses or other vehicles to be used for transporting persons sixty years of age or older. The board of education of any school district may also contract under a similar agreement with any group, organization or other entity engaged in adult education activities. The cost to the lessee of leasing such buses or other vehicles shall not exceed the costs of operating such buses or other vehicles as determined by the board of education of the school district. The charge to the lessee for the use of the buses or other vehicles, which may include the cost of providing an operator holding a certificate pursuant to section 3327.10 of the Revised Code, insurance coverage, and other direct and indirect costs to the school district shall be specified in the contract entered into pursuant to this section. All state board of education regulations governing the use of such buses or other vehicles by public schools while transporting pupils to and from school related activities apply to the extent applicable to their use under this section. Any board of education making available one or more of its buses or other vehicles under this section shall procure liability and property damage in- surance, as provided in section 3327.09 of the Revised Code, covering each bus or vehicle used and each passenger transported under the leasing agreement.
Effective Date: 02-09-1976