Notwithstanding division (D) of section 3311.19 and division (D) of section 3311.52 of the Revised Code, this section does not apply to any joint vocational or cooperative education school district or its superintendent.
(A) The superintendent of each school district may establish a volunteer bus rider assistance program, under which qualified adults or responsible older pupils, as determined by the superintendent, may be authorized to ride on school buses with pupils during such periods of time that the buses are being used to transport pupils to and from schools. Volunteers shall not be compensated for their services, but older pupils may be excused early from school to participate in the program. Volunteers may be assigned duties or responsibilities by the superintendent, including but not limited to, assisting younger pupils in embarking and disembarking from buses and in crossing streets where necessary to ensure the safety of the pupil, aiding the driver of the bus to maintain order on buses, assisting pupils with disabilities, and such other activities as the superintendent determines will aid in the safe and efficient transportation of pupils. Volunteers serving under this section are not employees for purposes of Chapter 4117. or 4123. of the Revised Code. Nothing in this section shall authorize a board of education to adversely affect the employment of any employee of the board.
(B) The board of education of each city, local, or exempted village school district shall present a program to all pupils in kindergarten through third grade who are offered school bus transportation and who have not previously attended such program. The program shall consist of instruction in bus rider behavior, school bus safety, and the potential problems and hazards associated with school bus ridership. The department of education shall prescribe the content and length of such program, which shall be presented within two weeks after the commencement of classes each school year.
Effective Date: 04-16-1993; 2007 HB119 09-29-2007