(A) No individual shall sell any program or solicit students therefor in this state unless the individual is an employee of the school. Any individual whose primary duty, whether on or off school premises, is to solicit prospective students shall first secure a permit as an agent from the state board of career colleges and schools. If the agent represents more than one school, a separate permit shall be obtained for each school represented by the agent. An agent who represents a person that operates more than one school in the same geographical area, as determined by the board, need not obtain a separate permit for each such school. Upon approval for a permit, the board shall issue a pocket card to the individual, giving the individual’s name, address, permit number, and the name and address of the employing school, and certifying that the individual whose name appears on the card is an authorized agent of the school.
(B) The application for a permit shall be made on forms to be furnished by the board and accompanied by the fee established in accordance with section 3332.07 of the Revised Code. A permit shall be renewed every twelve months and shall be valid for up to thirty days after its expiration date. An application for renewal shall be accompanied by the fee established in accordance with section 3332.07 of the Revised Code.
(C) Each school subject to this chapter shall assume full responsibility for the actions, statements, and conduct of its agents, and shall provide them with adequate training and arrange for proper supervision of their work. The board shall hold schools liable for the actions, statements, and conduct of agents that violate any provision of this chapter, unless an agent’s acts or omissions were manifestly outside the scope of the agent’s employment or official responsibilities.
Effective Date: 04-03-2003