The chancellor of the Ohio board of regents shall:
(A) Make studies of state policy in the field of higher education and formulate a master plan for higher education for the state, considering the needs of the people, the needs of the state, and the role of individual public and private institutions within the state in fulfilling these needs;
(B)(1) Report annually to the governor and the general assembly on the findings from the chancellor’s studies and the master plan for higher education for the state;
(2) Report at least semiannually to the general assembly and the governor the enrollment numbers at each state-assisted institution of higher education.
(C) Approve or disapprove the establishment of new branches or academic centers of state colleges and universities;
(D) Approve or disapprove the establishment of state technical colleges or any other state institution of higher education;
(E) Recommend the nature of the programs, undergraduate, graduate, professional, state-financed research, and public services which should be offered by the state colleges, universities, and other state-assisted institutions of higher education in order to utilize to the best advantage their facilities and personnel;
(F) Recommend to the state colleges, universities, and other state-assisted institutions of higher education graduate or professional programs, including, but not limited to, doctor of philosophy, doctor of education, and juris doctor programs, that could be eliminated because they constitute unnecessary duplication, as shall be determined using the process developed pursuant to this division, or for other good and sufficient cause. Prior to recommending a program for elimination, the chancellor shall request the board of regents to hold at least one public hearing on the matter and advise the chancellor on whether the program should be recommended for elimination. The board shall provide notice of each hearing within a reasonable amount of time prior to its scheduled date. Following the hearing, the board shall issue a recommendation to the chancellor. The chancellor shall consider the board’s recommendation but shall not be required to accept it.
For purposes of determining the amounts of any state instructional subsidies paid to state colleges, universities, and other state-assisted institutions of higher education, the chancellor may exclude students enrolled in any program that the chancellor has recommended for elimination pursuant to this division except that the chancellor shall not exclude any such student who enrolled in the program prior to the date on which the chancellor initially commences to exclude students under this division.
The chancellor and state colleges, universities, and other state-assisted institutions of higher education shall jointly develop a process for determining which existing graduate or professional programs constitute unnecessary duplication.
(G) Recommend to the state colleges, universities, and other state-assisted institutions of higher education programs which should be added to their present programs;
(H) Conduct studies for the state colleges, universities, and other state-assisted institutions of higher education to assist them in making the best and most efficient use of their existing facilities and personnel;
(I) Make recommendations to the governor and general assembly concerning the development of state-financed capital plans for higher education; the establishment of new state colleges, universities, and other state-assisted institutions of higher education; and the establishment of new programs at the existing state colleges, universities, and other institutions of higher education;
(J) Review the appropriation requests of the public community colleges and the state colleges and universities and submit to the office of budget and management and to the chairpersons of the finance committees of the house of representatives and of the senate the chancellor’s recommendations in regard to the biennial higher education appropriation for the state, including appropriations for the individual state colleges and universities and public community colleges. For the purpose of determining the amounts of instructional subsidies to be paid to state-assisted colleges and universities, the chancellor shall define “full-time equivalent student” by program per academic year. The definition may take into account the establishment of minimum enrollment levels in technical education programs below which support allowances will not be paid. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the chancellor shall make no change in the definition of “full-time equivalent student” in effect on November 15, 1981, which would increase or decrease the number of subsidy-eligible full-time equivalent students, without first submitting a fiscal impact statement to the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, the legislative service commission, and the director of budget and management. The chancellor shall work in close cooperation with the director of budget and management in this respect and in all other matters concerning the expenditures of appropriated funds by state colleges, universities, and other institutions of higher education.
(K) Seek the cooperation and advice of the officers and trustees of both public and private colleges, universities, and other institutions of higher education in the state in performing the chancellor’s duties and making the chancellor’s plans, studies, and recommendations;
(L) Appoint advisory committees consisting of persons associated with public or private secondary schools, members of the state board of education, or personnel of the state department of education;
(M) Appoint advisory committees consisting of college and university personnel, or other persons knowledgeable in the field of higher education, or both, in order to obtain their advice and assistance in defining and suggesting solutions for the problems and needs of higher education in this state;
(N) Approve or disapprove all new degrees and new degree programs at all state colleges, universities, and other state-assisted institutions of higher education;
(0) Adopt such rules as are necessary to carry out the chancellor’s duties and responsibilities. The rules shall prescribe procedures for the chancellor to follow when taking actions associated with the chancellor’s duties and responsibilities and shall indicate which types of actions are subject to those procedures. The procedures adopted under this division shall be in addition to any other procedures prescribed by law for such actions. However, if any other provision of the Revised Code or rule adopted by the chancellor prescribes different procedures for such an action, the procedures adopted under this division shall not apply to that action to the extent they conflict with the procedures otherwise prescribed by law. The procedures adopted under this division shall include at least the following:
(1) Provision for public notice of the proposed action;
(2) An opportunity for public comment on the proposed action, which may include a public hearing on the action by the board of regents;
(3) Methods for parties that may be affected by the proposed action to submit comments during the public comment period;
(4) Submission of recommendations from the board of regents regarding the proposed action, at the request of the chancellor;
(5) Written publication of the final action taken by the chancellor and the chancellor’s rationale for the action;
(6) A timeline for the process described in divisions (O)(1) to (5) of this section.
(P) Establish and submit to the governor and the general assembly a clear and measurable set of goals and timetables for their achievement for each program under the chancellor’s supervision that is designed to accomplish any of the following:
(1) Increased access to higher education;
(2) Job training;
(3) Adult literacy;
(4) Research;
(5) Excellence in higher education;
(6) Reduction in the number of graduate programs within the same subject area.
In July of each odd-numbered year, the chancellor shall submit to the governor and the general assembly a report on progress made toward these goals.
(Q) Make recommendations to the governor and the general assembly regarding the design and funding of the student financial aid programs specified in sections 3333.12, 3333.122, 3333.21 to 3333.26, and 5910.02 of the Revised Code;
(R) Participate in education-related state or federal programs on behalf of the state and assume responsibility for the administration of such programs in accordance with applicable state or federal law;
(S) Adopt rules for student financial aid programs as required by sections 3333.12, 3333.122, 3333.21 to 3333.26, 3333.28, and 5910.02 of the Revised Code, and perform any other administrative functions assigned to the chancellor by those sections;
(T) Conduct enrollment audits of state-supported institutions of higher education;
(U) Appoint consortia of college and university personnel to advise or participate in the development and operation of statewide collaborative efforts, including the Ohio supercomputer center, the Ohio academic resources network, OhioLink, and the Ohio learning network. For each consortium, the chancellor shall designate a college or university to serve as that consortium’s fiscal agent, financial officer, and employer. Any funds appropriated for the consortia shall be distributed to the fiscal agents for the operation of the consortia. A consortium shall follow the rules of the college or university that serves as its fiscal agent. The chancellor may restructure existing consortia, appointed under this division, in accordance with procedures adopted under divisions (D)(1) to (6) of this section.
(V) Adopt rules establishing advisory duties and responsibilities of the board of regents not otherwise prescribed by law;
(W) Respond to requests for information about higher education from members of the general assembly and direct staff to conduct research or analysis as needed for this purpose.
Amended by 128th General Assembly File No. 9, HB 1, § 101.01, eff. 7/17/2009.
Effective Date: 09-28-1999; 09-29-2005; 2007 HB2 05-15-2007; 2007 HB119 09-29-2007; 2008 HB562 06-24-2008