The chancellor of the Ohio board of regents may grant money to a nonprofit entity that provides a statewide resource for aerospace research, education, and technology, so long as the nonprofit entity makes its resources accessible to state colleges and universities and to agencies of this and other states and the United States. The chancellor, by rule adopted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall establish procedures and forms whereby nonprofit entities may apply for grants; standards and procedures for reviewing applications for and awarding grants; procedures for distributing grants to recipients; procedures for monitoring the use of grants by recipients; requirements, procedures, and forms whereby grant recipients shall report upon their use of grants; and standards and procedures for terminating and requiring repayment of grants in the event of their improper use. A state college or university or a private institution exempt from regulation under Chapter 3332. of the Revised Code as prescribed in section 3333.046 of the Revised Code and any agency of state government may provide assistance, in any form, to any nonprofit entity that receives a grant under this section. Such assistance shall be solely for the purpose of assisting the nonprofit entity in making proper use of the grant. A nonprofit entity that expends a grant under this section for a capital project is not thereby subject to Chapter 123. or 153. of the Revised Code. An officer or employee of, or a person who serves on a governing or advisory board or committee of, a nonprofit entity that receives a grant under this section is not thereby an officer or employee of a state college or university or of the state. An officer or employee of a state college or university or of the state who is assigned to assist a nonprofit entity in making proper use of a grant does not, to the extent the officer or employee provides such assistance, thereby hold an incompatible office or employment, or have a direct or indirect interest in a contract or expenditure of the entity.
Effective Date: 02-20-2002; 2007 HB2 05-15-2007