Each Ohio academic scholarship shall be awarded for an academic year and may be renewed for each of three additional academic years. The scholarship amount awarded to a scholar for an academic year shall be not less than two thousand dollars. A scholarship shall be renewed if the scholar maintains an academic record satisfactory to the chancellor of the Ohio board of regents and meets any of the following conditions:
(A) The scholar is enrolled as a full-time undergraduate;
(B) The scholar was awarded an undergraduate degree in less than four academic years and is enrolled as a full-time graduate or professional student in an Ohio institution of higher education that meets the requirements of Title VI of the “Civil Rights Act of 1964” and is state-assisted or is nonprofit and holds a certificate of authorization issued under section 1713.02 of the Revised Code;
(C) The scholar is a full-time student concurrently enrolled as an undergraduate student and as a graduate or professional student in an Ohio institution of higher education that meets the requirements of division (B) of this section. Each amount awarded shall be paid in equal installments to the scholar at the time of enrollment for each term of the academic year for which the scholarship is awarded or renewed. No scholar is eligible to receive an Ohio academic scholarship for more than the equivalent of four academic years. If an Ohio academic scholar is temporarily unable to attend school because of illness or other cause satisfactory to the chancellor, the chancellor may grant a leave of absence for a designated period of time. If a scholar discontinues full-time attendance at the scholar’s school during a term because of illness or other cause satisfactory to the chancellor, the scholar may either claim a prorated payment for the period of actual attendance or waive payment for that term. A term for which prorated payment is made shall be considered a full term for which a scholarship was received. A term for which payment is waived shall not be considered a term for which a scholarship was received. Receipt of an Ohio academic scholarship shall not affect a scholar’s eligibility for the Ohio instructional grant program.
Effective Date: 06-06-2001; 2007 HB2 05-15-2007