(A) As used in this section:
(1) “Pre-college stackable certificate” means a certificate earned before an adult is enrolled in an institution of higher education that can be transferred to college credit based on standards established by the chancellor of the Ohio board of regents and the department of education.
(2) “College-level certificate” means a certificate earned while an adult is enrolled in an institution of higher education that can be transferred to college credit based on standards established by the chancellor and the department of education.
(B) The chancellor and the department of education shall create a system of pre-college stackable certificates to provide a clear and accessible path for adults seeking to advance their education. The system shall do all of the following:
(1) Be uniform across the state;
(2) Be available from an array of providers, including adult career centers, institutions of higher education, and employers;
(3) Be structured to respond to the expectations of both the workplace and higher education;
(4) Be articulated in a way that ensures the most effective interconnection of competencies offered in specialized training programs;
(5) Establish standards for earning pre-college certificates;
(6) Establish transferability of pre-college certificates to college credit.
(C) The chancellor shall develop college-level certificates that can be transferred to college credit in different subject competencies. The certificates shall be based on competencies and experience and not on classroom seat time.
Effective Date: 2006 HB699 12-28-2006; 2007 HB2 05-15-2007