The chancellor of the Ohio board of regents shall encourage state institutions of higher education, alone or in collaboration with other state institutions of higher education or nonpublic Ohio universities and colleges, to submit proposals under the Ohio co-op/internship program for initiatives that recruit Ohio residents enrolled in colleges and universities in other states or other countries to return to Ohio and enroll in state institutions of higher education or nonpublic Ohio universities and colleges as graduate students in a high quality academic program that uses a cooperative education program, a significant internship program in a private industry or institutional laboratory, or a similar model involving a variation of cooperative education or internship programs common to graduate education, and is in an educational area, industry, or industry sector of need. The chancellor may encourage state institutions of higher education, alone or in collaboration with other state institutions of higher education or nonpublic Ohio universities and colleges, to submit proposals for initiatives that recruit Ohio residents who have received baccalaureate degrees to remain in Ohio and enroll in state institutions of higher education or nonpublic Ohio universities and colleges as graduate students in a high quality academic program of the type described in the preceding paragraph.
Effective Date: 2008 HB554 (vetoed provisions) 09-12-2008