The board of trustees of the Ohio state university shall employ competent persons to give instruction in the most improved and successful methods of opening, operating, surveying, and inspecting mines, including the methods and machinery employed for extracting coal, ore, fire, clay, oil, gas, and other minerals from the pit’s mouth and for facilitating the ascent and descent of workmen, the draining and freeing of mines from water, the causes of the vitiation of air, the quantities of fresh air required under the various circumstances, natural ventilation, mechanical ventilation by flues and fans, and other ventilating machinery, the use of air engines, air compressors, and coal cutting machinery; also instruction in the various uses of coals, ores, fire clays, oils, gases, and other minerals, and the methods of testing, analyzing, and assaying such minerals; and the methods employed in metallurgical and other processes in the reduction of ores and in determining the qualities of metals, particularly iron and steel, as shown by practical and laboratory tests. There also shall be kept in a cabinet properly arranged for ready reference and examination, suitably connected with the school of mines provided for in section 3335.31 of the Revised Code, samples of the specimens from the various mines in the state, which may be sent for analysis, together with the names of the mines and their localities in the counties from which they were sent, with the analysis and a statement of their properties attached. Such school shall also furnish an analysis of all minerals found in the state and sent to it for that purpose by residents thereof.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953