Consolidation of a school district which has entered into an agreement as authorized by section 3349.241 of the Revised Code with any other school district which has not also entered into such agreement with the board of directors of a municipal university for support shall terminate the agreement as of the date of consolidation. Consolidation of two or more school districts which have each entered into an agreement with the board of directors of such municipal university for support shall terminate the agreements of each on the expiration date of the agreement next due to expire. Notwithstanding the termination of any such agreement or agreements, under the provisions of this section, residents of school districts which have entered into such agreements who are enrolled in such university at the time of the termination of such agreements shall continue until the end of the current school term, semester, or quarter, to enjoy the same rights and privileges to the use of the facilities of the university as are available to residents of the municipal corporation in which such university is located.
Effective Date: 01-10-1961