For the purpose of paying the administrative expenses of the managing authority of a university branch district, the managing authority may receive and expend gifts, grants, bequests or devises, or public funds appropriated for such purpose. The legislative authority of any municipal corporation in which a district is located or the board of county commissioners of any county or counties in which a district which is not wholly within the boundary of a municipal corporation is located may appropriate and cause to be paid to such district funds for the expenses of the managing authority of a university branch district upon a determination by the legislative authority or the board of county commissioners that such appropriation will be of benefit to such municipal corporation or county, which determination is final. On or before the first day of June in each year, the managing authority shall meet and prepare a budget of the administrative expense needs of and the income available to the authority for the succeeding fiscal year. This budget shall not conflict with any contract entered into under division (A) of section 3355.06 of the Revised Code and shall not include any items of expense incurred pursuant to such section. The budget shall be delivered to the legislative authority of the municipality in which the district is located or to the board of county commissioners of the county or of the most populous county in which the district is located on or before the fifteenth day of June of each year, and the taxing authority shall determine what portion of the administrative budget shall be included in the tax budget of the authority pursuant to section 5705.28 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 12-14-1967