For five years from the effective date of this section, the governor may execute deeds in the name of the state conveying to one or more purchasers and the purchasers’ heirs and assigns or successors and assigns all of the state’s right, title, and interest in any or all parcels of real estate held for the use and benefit of Youngstown state university and located in the city of Youngstown, Mahoning county, in an area known as “smokey hollow” and bounded on the north by the east-bound service road of the Madison avenue expressway, on the east by Andrews avenue, on the south by Rayen avenue, and on the west by Wick avenue. The parcels of real estate may be transferred individually or as a group or multiple groups to a single purchaser or to multiple purchasers. The consideration for conveyance of the real estate described in this section shall be a purchase price and any terms and conditions acceptable to the board of trustees of Youngstown state university. The consideration may include in whole or in part the benefit that will inure to the university and the students attending the university from development of a mixed-use urban neighborhood that will provide convenient housing, retail outlets, parks, and employment opportunities on a site adjacent to the university’s core campus. All costs of the conveyance of the real estate described in this section shall be paid by the board of trustees of the university unless otherwise specified in the agreement for transfer of the property. Upon adoption of a resolution by the board of trustees specifically identifying the parcel or parcels of real estate to be conveyed, the purchaser or purchasers of the real estate, and identifying the consideration paid or to be paid, the auditor of state, with the assistance of the attorney general, shall prepare a deed or deeds to the real estate described in this section and identified in the resolution. The deed or deeds shall state the consideration specified in the resolution. The deed or deeds shall be executed by the governor in the name of the state, countersigned by the secretary of state, sealed with the great seal of the state, presented in the office of the auditor of state for recording, and delivered to the purchaser or purchasers. The purchaser or purchasers shall present the deed or deeds for recording in the office of the Mahoning county recorder. Each deed to any property described in this section shall contain any exceptions, reservations, or conditions and any right of reentry or reverter clause specified in the resolution adopted by the board of trustees. Any exceptions, reservations, or conditions or any right of reentry or reverter clause contained in any deed authorized by this section may be released by the university without the necessity of further legislation, provided such release is specifically authorized by the board of trustees. The net proceeds of the sale of the real estate described in this section shall be paid to Youngstown state university and deposited in university accounts for purposes to be determined by the board of trustees.
Effective Date: 01-10-2006, Repealed effective 01-10-2011