(A) If the superintendent of the school district or the chief administrator of the community school or STEM school in which a participant is enrolled determines that the participant has not attained a passing final grade in a college course in which the participant enrolled under this chapter, the superintendent or chief administrator shall seek reimbursement from the participant or the participant’s parent for the amount of state funds paid to the college on behalf of the participant for that college course. The board of education of the school district, the governing authority of the community school, or the STEM school in accordance with division (C) of section 3313.642 of the Revised Code, may withhold grades and credits received by the participant for district or community school courses taken by the participant until the participant or the participant’s parent provides reimbursement.
(B) If the chief administrator of the nonpublic school in which a participant is enrolled determines that the participant has not attained a passing final grade in a college course in which the participant enrolled under this chapter, the chief administrator shall seek reimbursement from the participant or the participant’s parent for the amount of state funds paid to the college on behalf of the participant for enrollment in that college course. Upon the collection of any funds from a participant or participant’s parent under this division, the chief administrator of a nonpublic school shall send an amount equal to the funds collected to the superintendent of public instruction. The superintendent of public instruction shall credit that amount to the general revenue fund.
Effective Date: 06-30-2006; 2007 HB119 09-29-2007