The board of trustees of a regional arts and cultural district or any officer or employee designated by such board may make any contract for the purchase of supplies or material or for labor for any work, under the supervision of the board, the cost of which shall not exceed ten thousand dollars. When an expenditure, other than for the acquisition of real estate, the discharge of noncontractual claims, personal services, or for the product or services of public utilities, exceeds ten thousand dollars, such expenditure shall be made only after a notice calling for bids has been published once a week for two consecutive weeks in at least one newspaper of general circulation within the territory of the district. The board may then let said contract to the lowest and best bidder, who shall give a good and approved bond with ample security conditioned on the carrying out of the contract. Such contract shall be in writing and shall be accompanied by or shall refer to plans and specifications for work to be done, approved by the board. The plans and specifications shall at all times be made and considered part of the contract. The contract shall be approved by the board and signed on behalf of the district and by the contractor. No sale of any real or personal property or a lease thereof having a term thereof in excess of five years shall be made except with the highest and best bidder after publication of notice for bids in the manner above provided. Competitive bidding under this section is not required when:
(A) The board, by a two-thirds affirmative vote of its members, determines that a real and present emergency exists and such determination and the reasons therefor are entered in the proceedings of the board, when:
(1) The estimated cost is less than fifteen thousand dollars; or
(2) There is actual physical damage to structures or equipment.
(B) Such purchase consists of supplies or a replacement or supplemental part or parts for a product or equipment owned or leased by the district and the only source of supply for such supplies, part, or parts is limited to a single supplier;
(C) The lease is a renewal of a lease for electronic data processing equipment, services, or systems;
(D) Services or supplies are available from a qualified nonprofit agency pursuant to sections 4115.31 to 4115.35 of the Revised Code;
(E) With respect to any contract, agreement, or lease by a district with any arts or cultural organization or any governmental body or agency.
Effective Date: 11-07-1979