The annual compensation of members of the board of elections shall be determined on the basis of the population of the county according to the next preceding federal census, and shall be paid monthly out of the appropriations made to the board and upon vouchers or payrolls certified by the chairperson, or a member of the board designated by it, and countersigned by the director or in the director’s absence by the deputy director. Upon presentation of any such voucher or payroll, the county auditor shall issue a warrant upon the county treasurer for the amount thereof as in the case of vouchers or payrolls for county offices and the treasurer shall pay such warrant.
(A) Except as provided in divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the amount of annual compensation of members of the board shall be as follows:
(1) Eighty-five dollars for each full one thousand of the first one hundred thousand population;
(2) Forty dollars and fifty cents for each full one thousand of the second one hundred thousand population;
(3) Twenty-two dollars for each full one thousand of the third one hundred thousand population;
(4) Six dollars and seventy-five cents for each full one thousand above three hundred thousand population.
(B) Except as provided in division (C) of this section, the compensation of a member of the board shall not be less than three thousand three hundred seventy-five dollars and shall not exceed twenty thousand dollars annually.
(C) In calendar year 2001, the annual compensation of each member of the board shall be computed after increasing the dollar amounts specified in divisions (A) and (B) of this section by three per cent.
(D) In calendar year 2002, the annual compensation of each member of the board shall be computed after increasing by three per cent the dollar amounts used to compute the compensation of a member under division (C) of this section.
(E) In calendar year 2003 and thereafter, the annual compensation of each member of the board shall be computed after increasing by three per cent the dollar amounts used to compute the compensation of a member under division (D) of this section.
For the purposes of this section, members of boards of elections shall be deemed to be appointed and not elected, and therefore not subject to Section 20 of Article II of the Ohio Constitution.
Effective Date: 12-08-2000