A contract involving a cost in excess of ten thousand dollars for printing and furnishing supplies, other than the official ballots, required in section 3501.30 of the Revised Code, shall not be let until the board of elections has caused notice to be published once in a newspaper of general circulation within the county or upon notice given by mail, addressed to the responsible suppliers within the state. The board of elections may require that each bid be accompanied by a bond, with at least two individual sureties, or a surety company, satisfactory to the board, in a sum double the amount of the bid, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract awarded and for the payment as damages by such bidder to the board of any excess of cost over the bid which it may be required to pay for such work by reason of the failure of the bidder to complete the contract. The contract shall be let to the lowest and best bidder.
Effective Date: 09-23-1985