All judges of election shall enforce peace and good order in and about the place of registration or election. They shall especially keep the place of access of the electors to the polling place open and unobstructed and prevent and stop any improper practices or attempts tending to obstruct, intimidate, or interfere with any elector in registering or voting. They shall protect observers against molestation and violence in the performance of their duties, and may eject from the polling place any observer for violation of any provision of Title XXXV of the Revised Code. They shall prevent riots, violence, tumult, or disorder. In the discharge of these duties, they may call upon the sheriff, police, or other peace officers to aid them in enforcing the law. They may order the arrest of any person violating Title XXXV of the Revised Code, but such an arrest shall not prevent the person from registering or voting if the person is entitled to do so. The sheriff, all constables, police officers, and other officers of the peace shall immediately obey and aid in the enforcement of any lawful order made by the precinct election officials in the enforcement of Title XXXV of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 02-26-1986; 05-02-2006