All registrations shall be carefully checked, and in case any person is found to have registered more than once, the additional registration forms shall be canceled by the board of elections.
Six weeks prior to the day of a special, primary, or general election, the board shall publish notices in one or more newspapers of general circulation advertising the places, dates, times, methods of registration, and voter qualifications for registration.
The board shall establish a schedule or program to assure to the extent reasonably possible that, on or before November 1, 1980, all registration places shall be free of barriers that would impede the ingress and egress of handicapped persons. Entrances shall be level or shall be provided with a nonskid ramp of not over eight per cent gradient, and doors shall be a minimum of thirty-two inches wide. Registration places located at polling places shall, however, comply with the requirements of section 3501.29 of the Revised Code for the elimination of barriers.
As used in this section, “handicapped” means having lost the use of one or both legs, one or both arms, or any combination thereof, or being blind or so severely disabled as to be unable to move about without the aid of crutches or a wheelchair.
Effective Date: 03-23-1981