No marking device shall be approved by the board of voting machine examiners or certified by the secretary of state, or be purchased, rented, or otherwise acquired, or used, unless it fulfills the following requirements:
(A) It shall permit and require voting in absolute secrecy, and shall be so constructed that no person can see or know for whom any other elector has voted or is voting, except an elector who is assisting a voter as prescribed by section 3505.24 of the Revised Code.
(B) It shall permit each elector to vote at any election for all persons and offices for whom and for which the elector is lawfully entitled to vote, whether or not the name of any such person appears on a ballot as a candidate; to vote for as many persons for an office as the elector is entitled to vote for; and to vote for or against any question upon which the elector is entitled to vote.
(C) It shall permit each elector to write in the names of persons for whom the elector desires to vote, whose names do not appear upon the ballot, if such write-in candidates are permitted by law.
(D) It shall permit each elector, at all presidential elections, by one punch or mark to vote for candidates of one party for president, vice president, and presidential electors.
(E) It shall be durably constructed of material of good quality in a neat and workerlike manner, and in form that shall make it safely transportable.
(F) It shall be so constructed that a voter may readily learn the method of operating it and may expeditiously cast the voter’s vote for all candidates of the voter’s choice.
(G) It shall not provide to a voter any type of receipt or voter confirmation that the voter legally may retain after leaving the polling place.
Effective Date: 11-21-1973; 05-07-2004