Notwithstanding any section of the Revised Code to the contrary, whenever any person applies for registration as a voter on a form adopted in accordance with federal regulations relating to the “Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act,” 100 Stat. 924, 42 U.S.C.A. 1973ff (1986), this application shall be sufficient for voter registration and as a request for an absent voter’s ballot. Uniformed services or overseas absent voter’s ballots may be obtained by any person meeting the requirements of section 3511.01 of the Revised Code by applying electronically to the secretary of state or to the board of elections of the county in which the person’s voting residence is located in accordance with section 3511.021 of the Revised Code or by applying to the director of the board of elections of the county in which the person’s voting residence is located, in one of the following ways:
(A) That person may make written application for those ballots. The person may personally deliver the application to the director or may mail it, send it by facsimile machine, or otherwise send it to the director. The application need not be in any particular form but shall contain all of the following information:
(1) The elector’s name;
(2) The elector’s signature;
(3) The address at which the elector is registered to vote;
(4) The elector’s date of birth;
(5) One of the following:
(a) The elector’s driver’s license number;
(b) The last four digits of the elector’s social security number;
(c) A copy of the elector’s current and valid photo identification, a copy of a military identification, or a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document, other than a notice of an election mailed by a board of elections under section 3501.19 of the Revised Code or a notice of voter registration mailed by a board of elections under section 3503.19 of the Revised Code, that shows the name and address of the elector.
(6) A statement identifying the election for which absent voter’s ballots are requested;
(7) A statement that the person requesting the ballots is a qualified elector;
(8) A statement that the elector is an absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter as defined in 42 U.S.C. 1973ff-6;
(9) A statement of the elector’s length of residence in the state immediately preceding the commencement of service , immediately preceding the date of leaving to be with or near the service member, or immediately preceding leaving the United States, whichever is applicable;
(10) If the request is for primary election ballots, the elector’s party affiliation;
(11) If the elector desires ballots to be mailed to the elector, the address to which those ballots shall be mailed;
(12) If the elector desires ballots to be sent to the elector by facsimile machine, the telephone number to which they shall be so sent.
(B) A voter or any relative of a voter listed in division (C) of this section may use a single federal post card application to apply for uniformed services or overseas absent voter’s ballots for use at the primary and general elections in a given year and any special election to be held on the day in that year specified by division (E) of section 3501.01 of the Revised Code for the holding of a primary election, designated by the general assembly for the purpose of submitting constitutional amendments proposed by the general assembly to the voters of the state. A single federal postcard application shall be processed by the board of elections pursuant to section 3511.04 of the Revised Code the same as if the voter had applied separately for uniformed services or overseas absent voter’s ballots for each election.
(C) Application to have uniformed services or overseas absent voter’s ballots mailed or sent by facsimile machine to such a person may be made by the spouse , father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandfather, grandmother, brother or sister of the whole blood or half blood, son, daughter, adopting parent, adopted child, stepparent, stepchild, uncle, aunt, nephew, or niece of such a person. The application shall be in writing upon a blank form furnished only by the director or on a single federal post card as provided in division (B) of this section. The form of the application shall be prescribed by the secretary of state. The director shall furnish that blank form to any of the relatives specified in this division desiring to make the application, only upon the request of such a relative made in person at the office of the board or upon the written request of such a relative mailed to the office of the board. The application, subscribed and sworn to by the applicant, shall contain all of the following:
(1) The full name of the elector for whom ballots are requested;
(2) A statement that the elector is an absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter as defined in 42 U.S.C. 1973ff-6;
(3) The address at which the elector is registered to vote;
(4) A statement identifying the elector’s length of residence in the state immediately preceding the commencement of service, immediately preceding the date of leaving to be with or near a service member, or immediately preceding leaving the United States, as the case may be;
(5) The elector’s date of birth;
(6) One of the following:
(a) The elector’s driver’s license number;
(b) The last four digits of the elector’s social security number;
(c) A copy of the elector’s current and valid photo identification, a copy of a military identification, or a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document, other than a notice of an election mailed by a board of elections under section 3501.19 of the Revised Code or a notice of voter registration mailed by a board of elections under section 3503.19 of the Revised Code, that shows the name and address of the elector.
(7) A statement identifying the election for which absent voter’s ballots are requested;
(8) A statement that the person requesting the ballots is a qualified elector;
(9) If the request is for primary election ballots, the elector’s party affiliation;
(10) A statement that the applicant bears a relationship to the elector as specified in division (C) of this section;
(11) The address to which ballots shall be mailed or the telephone number to which ballots shall be sent by facsimile machine;
(12) The signature and address of the person making the application.
Each application for uniformed services or overseas absent voter’s ballots shall be delivered to the director not earlier than the first day of January of the year of the elections for which the uniformed services or overseas absent voter’s ballots are requested or not earlier than ninety days before the day of the election at which the ballots are to be voted, whichever is earlier, and not later than twelve noon of the third day preceding the day of the election, or not later than the close of regular business hours on the day before the day of the election at which those ballots are to be voted if the application is delivered in person to the office of the board.
(D) If the voter for whom the application is made is entitled to vote for presidential and vice-presidential electors only, the applicant shall submit to the director in addition to the requirements of divisions (A), (B), and (C) of this section, a statement to the effect that the voter is qualified to vote for presidential and vice-presidential electors and for no other offices.
Amended by 128th General Assembly File No. 29, HB 48, § 1, eff. 7/2/2010.
Effective Date: 08-22-1995; 01-27-2006; 05-02-2006; 2008 HB562 09-22-2008