Each application for recount shall separately list each precinct as to which a recount of the votes is requested, and the person filing the application shall, at the same time, deposit with the board of elections fifty dollars in currency, bank money order, bank cashier’s check, or certified check for each precinct so listed as security for the payment of charges for making the recount applied for, which charges shall be fixed by the board as provided in section 3515.07 of the Revised Code.
Upon the filing of an application, or upon declaration by the board or secretary of state that the number of votes cast in any election for the declared winning nominee, candidate, question, or issue does not exceed the number of votes cast for the defeated nominee, candidate, question, or issue, by the margins set forth in section 3515.011 of the Revised Code, the board shall promptly fix the time, method, and the place at which the recount will be made, which time shall be not later than ten days after the day upon which such application is filed or such declaration is made. If the recount involves a candidate for election to an office comprising more than one county, the director of the board shall promptly mail notice of the time and place for such recount to the board of the most populous county of the district. If the contest involves a state office, the director shall promptly notify the secretary of state of the filing for such recount.
The director of the board shall mail notice of the time and place so fixed to any applicant and to each person for whom votes were cast for such nomination or election. Such notice shall be mailed by certified mail not later than the fifth day before the day fixed for the commencement of the recount. Persons entitled to have such notice mailed to them may waive their right to have it mailed by filing with the director a written waiver to that effect. Each person entitled to receive such notice may attend and observe the recount and may have any person whom the candidate designates attend and observe the recount. At any time after a winning nominee or candidate is declared but before the time for a recount pursuant to section 3515.011 of the Revised Code commences, the declared losing nominee or candidate may file with the board a written request to stop the recount from commencing. In the case of more than one declared losing candidate or nominee, each of whom is entitled to a recount pursuant to section 3515.011 of the Revised Code, each such declared losing candidate or nominee must file with the board such written request to stop the recount from commencing. The board shall grant such request and shall not commence the recount.
In the case of a recount of votes cast upon a question or issue, any group of five or more qualified electors, who voted upon such question or issue and whose votes were in opposition to the votes of the members of the group of electors who applied for the recount, or for whom the recount was required by section 3515.011 of the Revised Code, may file with the board a written statement to that effect, shall designate in it one of their number as chairperson of such group , may appoint an attorney at law as their legal counsel, and may request that the persons so designated be permitted to attend and observe the recount. Thereupon, the persons so designated may attend and observe the recount.
Effective Date: 08-22-1995; 05-02-2006