As used in sections 3701.021 to 3701.0210 of the Revised Code:
(A) “Medically handicapped child” means an Ohio resident under twenty-one years of age who suffers primarily from an organic disease, defect, or a congenital or acquired physically handicapping and associated condition that may hinder the achievement of normal growth and development.
(B) “Provider” means a health professional, hospital, medical equipment supplier, and any individual, group, or agency that is approved by the department of health pursuant to division (C) of section 3701.023 of the Revised Code and that provides or intends to provide goods or services to a child who is eligible for the program for medically handicapped children.
(C) “Service coordination” means case management services provided to medically handicapped children that promote effective and efficient organization and utilization of public and private resources and ensure that care rendered is family-centered, community-based, and coordinated.
(D)(1) “Third party” means any person or government entity other than the following:
(a) A medically handicapped child participating in the program for medically handicapped children or the child’s parent or guardian;
(b) The department or any program administered by the department, including the “Maternal and Child Health Block Grant,” Title V of the “Social Security Act,” 95 Stat. 818 (1981), 42 U.S.C.A. 701, as amended;
(c) The “caring program for children” operated by the nonprofit community mutual insurance corporation.
(2) “Third party” includes all of the following:
(a) Any trust established to benefit a medically handicapped child participating in the program or the child’s family or guardians, if the trust was established after the date the medically handicapped child applied to participate in the program;
(b) That portion of a trust designated to pay for the medical and ancillary care of a medically handicapped child, if the trust was established on or before the date the medically handicapped child applied to participate in the program;
(c) The program awarding reparations to victims of crime established under sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code.
(E) “Third-party benefits” means any and all benefits paid by a third party to or on behalf of a medically handicapped child participating in the program or the child’s parent or guardian for goods or services that are authorized by the department pursuant to division (B) or (D) of section 3701.023 of the Revised Code.
(F) “Hemophilia program” means the hemophilia program the department of health is required to establish and administer under section 3701.029 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 06-26-2003