(A) There is hereby created the medically handicapped children’s medical advisory council consisting of twenty-one members to be appointed by the director of health for terms set in accordance with rules adopted by the public health council under division (A)(11) of section 3701.021 of the Revised Code. The medically handicapped children’s medical advisory council shall advise the director regarding the administration of the program for medically handicapped children, the suitable quality of medical practice for providers, and the requirements for medical eligibility for the program.
All members of the council shall be licensed physicians, surgeons, dentists, and other professionals in the field of medicine, representative of the various disciplines involved in the treatment of children with medically handicapping conditions, and representative of the treatment facilities involved, such as hospitals, private and public health clinics, and private physicians’ offices, and shall be eligible for the program.
Members of the council shall receive no compensation, but shall receive their actual and necessary travel expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties in accordance with the rules of the office of budget and management.
(B) The director of health may appoint a maternal and child health council to represent the views of service providers, other interest groups, consumers, and various geographic areas of the state. The maternal and child health council shall advise the department of health on matters pertaining to maternal and child health and, in particular, the “Maternal and Child Health Block Grant,” Title V of the “Social Security Act,” 95 Stat. 818, (1981) 42 U.S.C.A. 701, as amended. Members of the council shall receive no compensation, but shall receive their actual and necessary travel expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties in accordance with the rules of the office of budget and management.
Effective Date: 12-02-1996