The department of health shall administer funds received from the “Maternal and Child Health Block Grant,” Title V of the “Social Security Act,” 95 Stat. 818 (1981), 42 U.S.C.A. 701, as amended, for programs including the program for medically handicapped children, and to provide technical assistance and consultation to city and general health districts and local health planning organizations in implementing local, community-based, family-centered, coordinated systems of care for medically handicapped children. The department may make grants to persons and other entities for the provision of services with the funds. In addition, the department may use the funds to purchase liability insurance covering the provision of services under the programs by physicians and other health care professionals, and to pay health insurance premiums on behalf of medically handicapped children participating in the program for medically handicapped children when the department determines, in accordance with criteria set forth in rules adopted under division (A)(9) of section 3701.021 of the Revised Code, that payment of the premiums is cost effective.
In determining eligibility for services provided with funds received from the “Maternal and Child Health Block Grant,” the department may use the application form established under section 5111.013 of the Revised Code. The department may require applicants to furnish their social security numbers.
Effective Date: 01-14-1993