(A) The following records of the program for medically handicapped children and of programs funded with funds received from the “Maternal and Child Health Block Grant,” Title V of the “Social Security Act,” 95 Stat. 818 (1981), 42 U.S.C.A. 701, as amended, are confidential and are not public records within the meaning of section 149.43 of the Revised Code:
(1) Records that pertain to medical history, diagnosis, treatment, or medical condition;
(2) Reports of psychological diagnosis and treatment and reports of social workers;
(3) Reports of public health nurses.
(B) The department of health shall not release any records specified in division (A) of this section without consent of the subject of the record or, if the subject is a minor, his parent or guardian, except as necessary to do any of the following:
(1) Administer the program for medically handicapped children or other programs funded with funds received from the “Maternal and Child Health Block Grant”;
(2) Coordinate the provision of services under the programs with other state agencies and city and general health districts;
(3) Coordinate payment of providers.
No person or government entity to whom the director, for the purposes specified in this division, releases records described in division (A) of this section shall release those records without consent of the subject of the record or, if the subject is a minor, his parent or guardian, except as necessary for any of the reasons described in this division.
Effective Date: 01-14-1993