The director of health shall establish techniques and procedures as appropriate for use by the division of parks and recreation in the department of natural resources when taking samples and conducting tests under section 1541.032 of the Revised Code of the waters of this state that are adjacent to public swimming beaches as defined in that section. The director of health, in consultation with and subject to the approval of the director of natural resources, shall specify the frequency with which and location at which the waters are to be sampled and tested.
The director shall interpret the results of the water tests conducted under section 1541.032 of the Revised Code. If the director’s interpretation indicates that the bacteria levels in the waters tested present a possible health risk to persons using the waters for swimming and bathing and that the posting of signs advising the public of the condition is warranted, the director shall notify the chief of the division of parks and recreation.
Effective Date: 03-09-1999